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Sunday, 29 August 2010

Marry A Mercedes-Benz to Apple and You Get an iCar!

Way back in 2007, there were reports that Apple and Mercedes Benz had signed a deal whereby Apple was to design an in-car maintenance, communication and navigation system for inclusion in Mercedes Benz vehicles. It’s all coming true. The iCar is what you get when you combine a Mercedes-Benz S Class car and the latest Apple devices.

The car has 750 horsepower and almost 1000-lb/feet of torque. It has a top speed of 211mph, and sprints from 0-60mph in just under four seconds.

The gadgets include a MacMini which is installed in an electrically operated tray located in the trunk. It feeds to a foldable LCD display in the ceiling.

Dual iPads can be used with Apple keyboards. The feature lets you control the climate; operate the command system and many more. A multi sound system is also available. The entire installation connects to the Internet with a 3G connection.

The car without the Apple power costs over $500.000. That could mean that the actual price for the full version would be much more. But you can enjoy the photos for free here.


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