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As more people like Rita Smith, 64, from Modesto, discover the natural cure for diabetes, pharmaceutical companies that produce insulin are having to increase their advertising campaigns to keep people from rethinking their dependence on prescription medication, as can be seen all over the web.
“Health care is a multi-billion dollar a year industry, and so long as people stay sick, the better the customer they are. I can't believe more people don't know about [the natural cure for diabetes].” says Rita
Of course, what Rita Smith is referring to is the act of replacing our diets with foods that are dense in phytonutrients, which has been regarded for thousands of years to holistically force your body into cleansing and recovering at a cellular level.
The implications of a natural cure for diabetes being known in the mainstream have the pharmaceutical industry set on damage control, spending millions of dollars on ads which attempt to communicate a connection between the disease that insulin is not natural to your body and that you need to maintain a prescription.
When asked of her battle with diabetes, Rita says,
“I was 50lbs overweight when I was diagnosed with diabetes...and it was simply devastating. After 2 years of injecting myself with insulin, I was desperate to find a way out and stumbled across Matt Traverso's book 'Reverse Diabetes Today!'... In it, I learned the truth about the drug industry and what needed to be done to cure diabetes by changing my lifestyle [and] I ended up losing over 80lbs... I have been free of diabetes for years now.”
Upon further investigation, it appears that the pharmaceutical companies which produce insulin will never advertise a natural cure for diabetes by way of change in lifestyle and diet in an effort to secure profits. However, that goes beyond the scope of this article. If you or someone you love is pre-diabetic, or currently suffering from diabetes, then you can pick up a copy of Matt Traverso's book “Reverse Diabetes Today!” and stand a good chance of becoming a success story just like Rita Smith from Modesto.
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